Cinnamon Swirled Banana Bread
I am very blessed to be able to have the weekends off and dedicate them to my darling baby girl, monotonous errands and my cooking experiments. My hubby unfortunately is not so lucky and has to work on Saturdays. Every once in awhile he asks me to cook or bake something for the guys at work. Typically, the doll that he is, he gives me a whole 24 hours ahead of time to come up with something. However, on a recent Saturday, I literally had 2 hours! TWO! I have mentioned several times, that while I can whip up a blow you away dinner in a blink of an eye, I cannot do the same for baking. So with this request at hand, I had to think fast.
I looked around my kitchen for anything that could be used for a quick bake recipe. I had just used my boxed cake mix for cake pops (damn them!) and my lovely hubby had eaten all my chocolate… so my chocolate chunk cookies went out the window too. There I stood in my bathrobe in the middle of my kitchen with a hungry baby on one hip and a frothy cappuccino in hand, wondering how I was going to come up with a baked good in time. Then I saw them…gross, brown bananas. No one likes them but they do make some pretty kick arse baked goods. That’s when I knew it… banana bread! Who could turn down a warm, moist loaf of banana bread?!
Now all I needed was a recipe. This is not my strength. I cannot come up with baked goods…too much chemistry for me. So I grabbed my handy iPhone and tried to find a recipe. And as quickly as I typed in banana bread, did Sally’s blog pop up! Sally’s blog is phenomenal! This girl is a true baker! She makes baking look like a piece of cake (sorry I could not help myself). I found this fantastic recipe and instantly knew it was the one!
I removed my baby from my hip and placed her in her high chair and attempted to keep her entertained by creating a little cooking show for her as I spoke loudly and made ridiculous hand gestures. She was wildly enthralled. And 10 minutes later, my banana bread with delish cinnamon swirls was in the oven. Out came a delicious, warm and beautiful loaf. I drizzled it with the icing that Sally recommended and it was perfection.
Baby napped. Mama showered. And we delivered a beautiful warm nanner bread to hubby’s work. Needless to say… I got my gold star that day. Thanks Sally.
For this recipe go to Sally’s amazing site and don’t forget to check out her fab other recipes on her her awesome site!
Originally published December 20th 2013